

28 Nov 2011

Report on the recruitment in 2011 - 2012 | VRO, VRA, UPSC, UPSC Jobs

November 22, 2011 Update: It is determined by the objective test of the Government in writing is VRO and the positions of the VRA, rather than interviews. There will be no middle-class brand and weight 10. Prerequisites rating remains unchanged. Written by 100 points and issues, the aim will be four types of multiple-choice option. In writing the way the government has not decided yet. JNTU Hyderabad APPSC or is likely to show responsibility. Role model, test structures, some of the papers, and during the test will be updated soon.

Andhra Pradesh Government has announced that the recruitment and Andhra Pradesh VROs details VRAS notice. N. Raghuveera Reddy Cabinet Sub-Committee headed by the publication of the notice details. Will be selected on the basis of the selection committee headed by District respective district collectors (DSCS) for an interview. There is no entrance examination
or written proof of the VRO and vacancies VRA. After booking, according to the rules. Weight of 85 marks will be allocated the qualifying examination, appointment, the symbol of the local condition and other criteria. The remaining 15 points, will meet the performance. The following are the key dates in the contract:

1) VRO (Village Revenue Officers): 1,175 jobs, the pay scale: Rs. 7740-23040.Intermediate pass any eligible organization. VRO selected positions, you can live anywhere in the region. Selected through interviews, including general knowledge questions.

2) VRA (Village Revenue Assistant): 6063 job titles: Applicants must have 10 first class / SSC. Candidates can only apply for local villages. Choose throuhg interview conducted by DSC performance, Collctors chaired by the respective districts.

Important dates:

1) issued a notice: November 26, 2011
2) will begin selling applications: November 26, 2011
3) fill in the application of the deadline for submission: December 17, 2011 until
4) Consideration of request: 26 -12 to 2011
5) The final list of candidates: February 1, 2012
6) the ratio of 1:3, August 1, 2012 issue of the initials of the

7) Interview Schedule: from 
January 01,2012  to January 28, 2012
8) Select and Results: 30 -1 - 2012

9) the termination of the contract and the publication: January 31, 2012.

Here are some upcoming recruitment notification by the government and the rule UPSC published details in 2011 - 2012. Give notice of their release, such as eligibility criteria, application procedures, test methods and other details. Andhra Pradesh government is preparing a large-scale recruitment in various departments. Government is a step forward to fill
1,16,000 in education, police, health, customs, tax and engineering vacancies. The following are the recruitment of these latest updates:

Village Revenue Assistant (VRA) recruitment: The  in government. 6063 Andhra Pradesh Revenur fill the Village Assistant jobs quickly. It can also be used to publish the details of these positions, the District informed of vacancies, requirements and selection procedures. The following is the August 2, 2011 Scroll down for latest updates.

Village Revenue Officers (VRO) :  Government of Andhra Pradesh is likely to contract the pay scale of Rs 1564 Official Town of Revenue (VROs). 7740-23040. The rating is in category 10. Choosing to spend a brief, which includes general knowledge questions. The end of this article is updated.

The contract extension based on the college professor of government. Andhra Pradesh has issued orders for the appointment of new colleges / degree in the recruitment of Andhra Pradesh teacher contract. Higher education from 1766 will be hired by the command post on contract basis. New candidates, the relevant new vacancies.

BC Department of Posts: Andhra Pradesh Government has approved 154 additional positions to oversee the post metric scholarships to students in the activities of British Columbia. Vacant Director, district and field workers. 
                         Additional details of the director of new jobs - a job, Joint Director - three seats, Deputy Director - 11 positions, personal assistant Welfate BC - 35 positions, SP - 26 positions, Senior - 29 and assistant jobs - 49jobs. Notice of these vacancies will be announced soon.

1. Welfare Officer 2 / 4: Government. Andhra Pradesh issued a notification to fill 300 BC welfare hostel is located in Andhra Pradesh official hotel services. These positions of the Bachelor of Education degree and choose to pass a written exam. On the scale of these jobs pay RS. 10900 to 31550.

2. Town officials of Revenue (VRO): Government of Andhra Pradesh is likely to contract the pay scale of Rs 1564 Official Town of Revenue (VROs). 7740-23040. The rating is in category 10. Choosing to spend a brief, which includes general knowledge questions.

3. Police (PC): AP Police Recruitment Committee recommended that the Ministry of Interior, Government requires the hiring of 15,000 agents. The Associated Press.Intermediate eligible qualified candidates for these positions. Selection is based on the physical fitness test, written exam and physical exam. Police officers pay scale of Rs.8440-24950.

4. Panchayat at the village of vacancies: The Government is studying the village in Andhra Pradesh Panchayat services offer a variety of candidates for the vacancy 40000.Vacancies panchayat development officers, junior engineers, accountants and data entry operators, assistants, etc. It is estimated that extension staff, extension workers with 250 vacancies. Support Requirements: undergraduate / Intermediate / SSC.

5. Customs Officer: the government. Customs officers will be hired AP after a long period of time. About 1,500 jobs will be a warning can be announced shortly. On the tenth class of candidates are eligible to receive these messages. Selected through physical evidence and the written exam.

6. Assistant and computer operator, a junior assistant, typist computer operator cum Department of Finance, Government of about 1,000 vacancies. Associated Press, the notification has not been announced. The scores for these positions is intermediate / 10 classes.

7. Recruitment of the city, about 4,500 job vacancies in Andhra Pradesh municipalities lie.These positions will be filled soon government. The timetable for the release of the municipal elections. Working Executive Assistant engineers, accountants, junior assistants, and other qualifications of the position is Engineering Bachelor of Business / Graduate / pass the class 10 (rear).

8. UPSC Central Police (AC) review of 2011: 2011
 UPSC 18 Day notice and will be published this October 9, 2011 for consideration. Off-site, and in another article of the detailed information provided.

9. UPSC Civil Services Main examination of 2011: This is the October 29, 2011 for.

10. UPSC - IES / ISS examination 2011 will be held July 30, 2011 issued a warning. The last date of receipt of application is August 29, 2011, the examination will be held December 3, 2011 was conducted.

11. UPSC geologist Exam 2011: Notification will be August 13, 2011 and applications must be received by September 19, 2011. Exam will be held December 3, 2011 a.

Updated on November 12, 2011: government of AP has completed the VRO and the Cabinet Sub-Committee with the necessary qualifications VRA. VRO posts, candidates must be qualified in the center. In the first 10 class pass / SSC minimum qualification job qualifications / VRA. Mandel will be a standard selection of candidates. Notice in the Official Gazette with all these details and the contract notice may be published later in 2011 Novemner 15 releasled. Governmet not yet decided to interview for these positions.

12. Recruiting new VRO and VRA (August 2, 2011):

Andhra Pradesh government has formed the following Minister N. Raghuveera Reddy presided over the team to monitor customs officials and the people of the village income assistance in the process of hiring a subcommittee. Sub-Committee has decided that the hiring process, all the 9,000 vacant at the end of August 2011 to complete. He also suggested that all regions of the state to accelerate the hiring process and collectors Fin.results non.

The subcommittee has said, the work will be approved qualifications VRO intermediate examination and qualification VRA post SSC / Class 10. You will not have written messages. candiddtes choice in qualifying examination (between / 10 classes) on the basis of the brand. After booking, according to the rules. Weight of 85 marks will be allocated the qualifying examination, appointment, the symbol of the local condition and other criteria. The remaining 15 points, will meet the performance. Throughout the procurement process is carried out at district level and district collectors serve as the District Selection Committee sharpeners.

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